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Ela & Larry Hersberger. Ela and Larry share a remarkable bond of art and life, each with their own international experiences. Together, they are the heart and soul behind Masterpiece Artwork and Masterpiece Christmas. Their connection is rooted in kindness, love, and artistry, inspiring each other daily to create something truly extraordinary.
In their collaboration, Larry and Ela transcend their individual styles, crafting artwork that feel as though they were created by a third, unseen artist. It's a magical synergy where two become one in their creations. Witness the beauty of their shared vision signed by both artists.



With over 35 years as a commissioned, internationally acclaimed, and award-winning artist, Lawrence’s art is sought after worldwide, with clients in more than 50 countries. 

He is also one of the best-known and most influential Christmas / Santa artists and wrote and created the book Santa’s Magical Gift®. He has also been privately commissioned to write and create numerous unique children’s storybooks and art pieces worldwide.

ELA HERSBERGER. Artist and visionary Ela has extraordinary knowledge and skill in the fields of oil painting, light, people, and photography. 

Following an early career as a high-fashion photographer, she became highly sought after for her portrait skills and has been featured in magazine editorials. Her passion for storytelling has also seen her design book covers for renowned authors. 

Ela is dedicated to advancing the lives of children worldwide and has been instrumental in setting up Masterpiece Artwork’s charitable arm.